Focusing In On The First Coming Of Christ 

A few years ago, Pastor John Piper wrote a book to help us think upon and delight in the glory of Jesus Christ during the Christmas season.  This small devotional book is available for free on this link:

This is a great time to gather your family daily to read about the first coming of Christ and consider how we should be prepared for His second coming as well.  Perhaps, it will develop a good habit of reading the Word together daily as a family if perhaps that habit may have recently become sparse in your family’s routines.
Below are other Scripture references.  You could also use these verses around the dinner table, in your own personal devotionals, or together as a family for the month of December.

1)  Micah 5:2-5
2)  Jeremiah 23:1-6
3)  Isaiah 9:2-7
4)  Luke 1:26-38
5)  Psalm 67
6)  Matthew 2:1-12
7)  Philippians 2:1-11
8)  Psalm 96
9)  Isaiah 9:6-7
10)  Isaiah 53:1-12
11)  John 1:1-14
12)  Matthew 1:18-24
13)  Ezekiel 34:11-16
14)  Genesis 22:17-18
15)  Luke 1:11-22
16)  Isaiah 11:1-2
17)  Mark 1:1-3
18)  Isaiah 7
19)  Isaiah 11
20)  Jeremiah 23
21)  Zechariah 9
22)  Psalm 48
23)  Psalm 61
24)  Luke 2:1-20
25)  Luke 2:21-51
26)  Galatians 4
27)  Psalm 145
28)  Psalm 146
29)  Psalm 147
30)  Psalm 150
31)  Titus 3:3-7

It is a joy to serve Jesus together with all of you!
~Pastor Randy

Bring along a tray of cookies to share!

Suzi King, Director

You are invited to our Women’s Annual Christmas Outreach for the women at the Casa Paloma Residence Center at Tammi Moore’s home.  Included below is a list of requested items from the residents at the Center.
Gently Used or New:
Warm clothing
Undergarments (bras needed)
For the Stockings:
Make up
Wallets (small)
Nail polish
Facial items (creams/lotions and masks)
Gifts Cards:
Fast foods
Retail shops (Walmart, Kohls, etc.)
Cookie Trays:
All items must be store bought and individually wrapped. (Werther's candy, Lindor Truffles, Ghirardelli chocolates, shortbread cookies, etc.)

If you are unable to attend, we will be receiving items at the office (8710 N. Thornydale #110), during the following days: Tuesday - Thursday,  December 7 to 9 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) &  Friday, December 10  (8:30 to noon).

Thank you in advance for your participation!
Women’s Ministry Team

Women's November Dinner

Kyria Kelly, Director

Greetings, all!

What a fun month we had in November – our Family Fun Day was such a joy. Families participated in pumpkin/broom races, tug of war, “greased pig” passes, dice-balancing races, and more. Later in the month, we packed shoeboxes and repeated our shoebox parade! Thank you to everyone who was involved in either of those events, especially those children who wore the shoebox costume to get everyone hyped up for giving so generously.

As we approach Christmas, we are preparing for the children to lead everyone in worshipping through song on December 19th. Students are learning the following songs:
•1st Service: 

    o Preschool: “Joy to the World”
    o K-3rd: “Joy to the World” and “Away in a Manger”
    o 4th-5th: “Joy to the World” and “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”
•2nd Service:
    o Nursery-Preschool: “Joy to the World”
    o K-5th: “Joy to the World” and “Away in a Manger”

Keep an eye on your emails for more information about when to arrive as we get closer to the 19th. On the 26th, we will have one family service. There will be no HopeKids classes, including nursery-preschool. All the children who attend the service will be invited to come up to sing “Joy to the World”.

May the LORD bless you and keep you; may the LORD cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the LORD lift up His countenance toward you and give you peace.  (Numbers 6:24-26)

Joyfully yours,

December  Birthdays:
Amelia Walker  12/01
Maddie Adler  12/02
Rome Vroom  12/04
Emily Morell  12/05
Nicole Braeutigam  12/06
Sage DeVries  12/06
Arabella Walker  12/08
Bear Adler  12/09
Cora Brown  12/11
Noelle Brown  12/11
Brigitta Bellars  12/13
Rory Caffarel  12/13
Wynter Whiting  12/25
Vivienne Opocensky  12/27
Jessie Inclan  12/28
Molly Collins  12/29

The first meeting of the new year is Wednesday, January 5!  We are looking for a few good people who love God and would like to pour into the children who will lead our next generation of believers.  We are also looking for an adult to join us in caring for our youngest so their parents are able to minister in Awana.

Call Tim Tolson at 520-575-1307 or if you'd like more information about Awana or would like to serve.

Thank you Hope!!  We collected 240 Christmas boxes (and bought a goat) this year for OCC.  Your boxes will bless hundreds of kids around the world!  Also, a big thank you to Tammi Moore and her team for heading up the OCC table this year!

Kevin Mason, Youth Pastor

The end of the year is here! I am praying that this holiday season will allow you to really rejoice in the Lord. I know everyone is busy planning holiday get togethers, experiencing hardships or something in between. Whatever is happening may each of us take the time to really rejoice in the Lord.
December will be fast and crazy with Christmas, New Years, finals, traveling, and Winter Camp! I understand all the full schedules. I do pray that Winter Camp will be seen as an external investment, a way for us to set our hearts on things above. I pray that families will make the commitment to Winter Camp and encourage students to fix their eyes on Jesus. The theme this year is “The Unexpected Journey”.   The inspiration for this is from the verses in Habakkuk 3:17-19.  We will encourage students to rejoice in their Savior no matter the circumstances, to ask God to constantly change their feet so that they may spend a lifetime walking with Him.  Pray that God would speak to us in big ways at Camp.

HopeYouth Calender:

December 5, 12 &19
HopeYouth at Summit Ridge 

Community Church - 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. 
(505 W. Hardy Rd.)
No HopeYouth on Sunday, 

December 26

December 27- 30
Winter Camp at Tonto Rim Christian Camp

Our HopeHouses for women and men are up and running! The heart behind these houses is to build community and to encourage young adults.  If you are interested in being a part of this young adult community (ages 18 to 25ish) please contact me at

HopeHouse Studies:

Men’s study - No study this month on Wednesdays

Young adults study - No study this month  on Fridays 

Christmas Party - Saturday, December 11 at 6:00 p.m. at the Women's HopeHouse

For more information on HopeU contact Pastor Kevin at

Seniors Ministry
Bob & Merrillee Whren, 
Seniors' Christmas Lunch  
Sunday, December 5.  
Contact Bob (904-887-7019) or Merrillee Whren (520-304-6773) to RSVP and for details.

Sarah Whiting, Director

As we prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth this holiday season, it’s a wonderful time to examine how we can remove barriers that prevent those we love from participating in our celebrations and ensure that those in our communities who experience disability have access to the good news of the gospel and the glorious hope we have in Jesus. Whether it’s a community Christmas party, or a family gathering, may we all seek ways to include people with differing abilities this holiday season. Below are some tips gathered from the Joni & Friends blog that may be helpful :

•Know that your guests may come late or leave early.
•If your guest needs extra assistance with anything, such as when entering your home or with feeding, make sure someone is available to help.     Be willing to make them feel comfortable and at ease.
•If your guest is uneasy in a crowd or needs to lie down due to fatigue, prepare an empty room or quiet, safe space where they can relax.
•If your guest is in a wheelchair, create space around the dinner table and throughout the house for them to move around. If you don’t have an  accessible entrance, let your guest know and ask how you can make your home more accessible.
•Before the party, ask your guests if they have any food allergies or sensitivities to fragrances. Some people have life-threatening allergies that you may not know about. If you are unable to accommodate all of their special needs, let them know. Invite them to bring a dish or snack for themselves, or one to share with others at the party.
•Do what is best for your guest but be conscious about respecting their personal space – not everyone wants or needs help. Don’t show pity, show empathy.  (

If you are looking for ways to get involved with AccessHope, please contact Sarah Whiting at

We are excited to partner with Journey Church and Lifepoint Church in hosting Night to Shine on Friday, February 11, 2022! To register as a guest, apply to volunteer, or to donate, go to

Thanks to all who came out for our New to Hope Lunches!  Thank you Doug & Sheree Dennee for coordinating these lunches!

If you have any questions regarding the information in the newsletter, please contact us.