Using the form on the right, you can get started with online giving through your Subsplash account.
Almost every Sunday, we take the time to give a worship offering to God. Join us at 10:00 a.m. Sunday mornings for fellowship, worship, and diving in to the Word together.
You can mail a check to the church mailbox any time.
Hope Community Church
3130 W. Overton Road
Tucson, Arizona 85742
If you would like to contribute to a specific (other than General), tax-deductible, Hope Community Church fund (tax deductible means no goods or services were received for this donation), then select “Specific Giving” in the Fund drop down, and describe which fund you would like to donate to in the “Notes” box. Examples of specific giving include: Benevolence, Building Fund, Camp Scholarships, etc.
Also, you can contribute to our Short-Term Missions Trips (Rock Nest Ranch Canada, Philippines, etc.)
Please Note: The use of this Specific/Short-Term Missions contribution is subject to the discretion and control of Hope Community Church.