Canon Black, Youth Pastor
At our last Youth Group we spent time in 2 Corinthians 8:9 , “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you by His poverty might become rich.”
We considered what it meant that Christ was rich, how even though what comes to mind are physical riches, our King was most assuredly rich in other ways as well.
HE was with the Father, in perfect unity, experiencing emotional, spiritual, and relational riches. HE sat on a throne of excellence and praise. HE was with HIS Father experiencing true, deep, and full love. Accepted and welcome. HE lacked nothing physically. And had no unfulfilled place in HIS heart. Our King was rich in ways we could not fathom, stretching beyond what we could perceive or fathom into the unknowable reaches of the depth of God and HIS mighty hand. There is no boredom in heaven, no lackluster experience, no new greater joy than to be with God. A kind of thing we cannot fathom!
HE gave up all this! All so that we might gain them. Jesus says “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10
HE offers to us riches! Life abundant! And how does that change us? I follow Christ! How often do I read HIS words to me? How often do I seek HIM in prayer? Do I engrave HIS words in my heart and mind for memory? Sing HIS praise when nobody is watching? Submit my will to HIS own? Lay my desires down and take up HIS? Turn away from my flesh? Do I take the time to edify another's spirit? Do I consider all HE has done for me? Do I thank HIM for the cross constantly? He says, "how beautiful are the feet of those who share the Good News" - well, do mine need washing in the work of evangelism? When I am faced with great anxieties and fears do I turn first to HIM?
With these thoughts on our minds we each decided on a goal for the remainder of the month. How we were going to purposefully pursue the riches that Christ has given us. Maybe through Scripture memory. Reading of the Word. Regular intentional prayer. Etc.
So now in a time when we are unable to meet, but very able to speak, we can take time to reach out to one another, speak the Gospel to a brother, and encourage our co-heirs in their pursuit of HIM.
In Christ alone,