Old Visions From 2010

Back in 2010 when Hope was just about to begin our first service officially in January 2011, I wrote up a document called “Hope Community Church” which shared the vision of:  OFFER HOPE, GROW IN COMMUNITY, and BE THE CHURCH.  It also shared some of our core values of:  every member is a minister, place for families to serve together, externally focused church, and more.  Then at the end it just contained a bunch of my random thoughts and desires for what Hope might become.

As we have been thinking about what we are striving for in buying/building a church and planting Pastor Dave Collins this year, I found it interesting to read back through this document and thought it might be good to think on some of these thoughts once again in this, our 11th year as a church.

Here is the part of those 2010 dreams for Hope:

Prayer/Leading:   We hold our plans lightly, knowing we follow a God whose ways are not like our ways.  In prayer, He may lead us to things we never expected.  We will follow the teachings of Jesus and God’s Word, certain that He has the power to do what He promises through the Holy Spirit.

Hope to the Lost (reaching):  Our desire is not to move fish from one aquarium to the other (from one church to another), but to see the unreached on our soccer teams, in our neighborhoods, and our workplaces hear about the HOPE that we have.  

A majority of our “reaching” strategies will be individual efforts – reaching those that our family has relationships with.  From the pulpit, I must constantly challenge us to get out and begin conversations, engaging with unbelievers purposely to be a part of the Holy Spirit engaging with their hearts.  “If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies.  And if they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay.  If hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go unwarned and unprayed for.”  (Charles H. Spurgeon)  Corporately, we also hope to reach unbelievers through service projects and involvement in our communities.  

Grow in Community (plugging in those who come to faith):   When people come to know Jesus, they will need a place to grow spiritually, a place to relationally connect, and a place to serve with their families.  Home  groups are vital components to Hope Community Church.  Each home group leader is a shepherd to his/her members.  They are there for marriage help, financial help, relational connections, opportunities to serve, they keep an eye open to recruit and reproduce new leaders, they seek out new families at the church to help them get connected. We need to pursue those that are coming but not getting plugged in.  Fellowship is key.  “We are not a church with home groups, but home groups that worship together on Sunday.”  Real relationship, application, spiritual maturity can begin to happen in home groups.

HopeYouth/HopeKids:   It is a hugely important time in the life of a person.  We have seen how important the spiritual development of our youth is for their own lives and for what we provide for our families. 

Discipleship:   As we desire to be doers of the Word and not just hearers, we want to help our men and women move toward maturity.  Small group or one-on-one discipleship gives people the chance to grow and it gives people a chance to invest in the kingdom of God.  Its starting point may be out of home group relationships.

Church Planting:   We should keep our eyes open intentionally for church planting opportunities.  To keep up just with population growth, America would have to plant 3,000 new churches every year.  Yet, we want to see God’s kingdom expand.  Too many people do not know salvation.  This would require a full-time pastor and probably a minimum of about 40 of our church.  

Church to the World:  We would like to invest deeply in missions projects that will allow us to continue for many years. Therefore, the missionaries we send out should be either home-grown or deeply connected with our body.  We want to send teams to encourage and assist regularly.  God calls us to go into the ends of the world and bring His grace in words and in actions.  We need to be the church to the world.  This will require financial investment into sending those that are called.

Training Ground:  The church should be more like an airport than a destination.  We hope to be the kind of church that sends people out into where they are called.  Discipleship and leadership development is key.  

It is a joy to serve Jesus together with all of you!
~Pastor Randy

Suzi King, Director

Bible Study this Semester - Ruth by Kelly Minter

Facilitated and hosted by Susan Woodford
Beginning on Tuesday, January 18
9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Deadline to sign-up for the study is January 11
To sign-up contact Susan at 520-271-8713 or email her at woodfordsj@gmail.com.

Thank you to all who contributed gifts, treats and clothing to our Women's Christmas Outreach. The women at the La Paloma Women's Shelter were incredibly blessed by your generosity.  Also, a big thank you to the women who came and decorated stockings, cards and put together gift bags for the residents!

Dave Collins, Church Plant Pastor

Discipleship Corner
I’m excited for Hope’s church plant!  I really believe the Lord will use this new church to make disciples who make disciples.  The goal of the new church is not to pull believers from other churches, but to reach people who don’t yet know the Lord.  We want more people to be saved, to be brought into the Kingdom of God.  We want to make disciple makers, and I believe a church plant is a great way to pursue that mission.  Thank you for continuing to pray for this as we look forward to seeing how the Lord will work!  Go get ‘em!
Pastor Dave

Kyria Kelly, Director

January  Birthdays:
Nevaeh Zimmer  01/03
Elliot Terpstra  01/03
Asia Marshall   01/05
Emersyn Mason  01/08
Joelle Jones  01/13
Heidi Nemec  01/14
Jadyn Collins  01/16
Yvette Hardeman  01/18
Joseph Stadelman  01/20
Hudson Odell  01/23
Caspin Ellis  01/26
Wesley Edmunds  01/27
Sadie Foss  01/27
Tanner Hunt  01/28

Calling all HopeKids!
Wednesday, January 5 is our 2022 New Year kickoff for AWANA!  Come ready to have a lot of fun and learn more about how much God loves YOU (yes, YOU)!  And bring a friend along so they can enjoy it with you too!
Most Wednesdays 5:45 - 7:45 at Summit Ridge Church.
Info/Questions:  Contact Tim and Marilyn Tolson at 520-575-1307

Kevin Mason, Associate Pastor

Want more information on Men's Ministry, Home Groups, Discipleship, HopeU - contact Pastor Kevin!

Our HopeHouses for women and men are up and running! The heart behind these houses is to build community and to encourage young adults.  If you are interested in being a part of this young adult community (ages 18 to 25ish) please contact Pastor Kevin at kmason@hopetucson.com.

HopeHouse Study:

Men/Women's study - Fridays, January 7,14, 21, 28 at Women's HopeHouse

Canon Black, Youth Pastor

January Calendar for  
No Hope Youth Sunday, January 2
January 9, 16, 23, 30
HopeYouth at Summit Ridge 

Community Church - 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. 
(505 W. Hardy Rd.)

HopeYouth Winter Camp 2021  at Tonto Rim Christian Camp

HopeSeniors Ministry
Bob & Merrillee, Coordinators

Sarah Whiting, Director

Happy New Year! As we enter into 2022 the AccessHope ministry is seeking volunteers to serve as Family Sunday Support, and in other areas as we seek to ensure the accessibility of the Gospel at Hope. Please contact Sarah Whiting at swhiting@hopetucson.com if you are interested in serving with AccessHope.

We are excited to partner with Journey Church and Lifepoint Church in hosting Night to Shine on Friday, February 11, 2022! To register as a guest, apply to volunteer, or to donate, go to journeyefc.org/nts.

If you have any questions regarding the information in the newsletter, please contact us.

Thanks to all who came out for our New to Hope Lunches!  Thank you Doug & Sheree Dennee for coordinating these lunches!