2023 - All To Maturity

            He (Jesus) is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.  (Colossians 1:28–29)
            Paul tells us that he proclaims Christ and the Gospel; he admonishes and teaches continually; he does all this strenuously.  Why?  That he might present everyone to Christ fully mature in Him.  This “maturity” is connected to being a believer who knows the Word, who is devoted fully to God, and is living out their faith with actions and truth.
            This year, I want us to focus in on ALL TO MATURITY.  We all have room to grow in our understanding of the Word, our devotion to Christ, and to living out our faith.  Let us as a family pursue this growth towards maturity for ourselves and for our brothers/sisters.
            Starting the first week in February, we are launching a four-book curriculum across all our home groups, college groups, discipleship groups, and even our youth groups.  The books are called the Discovery Series and focus in on helping us grow not just in knowledge but also in devotion and service to God.
            Are you already in a home group?  Then ask God to produce growth this year and be ready to encourage others in your group with accountability and fellowship.  If you are not in a group, January is the month to get signed up.  Don’t miss out.  We could also use a few new leaders.  Contact Kevin Mason at kmason@hopetucson.com if you think the Lord might use you for leading a new home group.  HopeLife (young adults) meet at the HopeHouse Saturdays at 7:00 p.m., contact Brenna Bumb  at 520-912-6290 or Pastor Kevin at kmason@hopetucson.com for more information.  HopeYouth meets at the church property at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday nights.  Praying for fruitful growth as we strenuously contend with all the energy that Christ so powerfully works in us to see ALL TO MATURITY!
One more quick note: Another quick way to MATURITY is to see Christ leading you in all aspects of your lives.  To help with this, keep an eye out for our 2023 Saturday mini-conferences in the Community Room.  On January 28, the conference will be focused on tools for helping live godly in the area of finances.  Friday & Saturday, February 17-18, will be focused on having a God-centered marriage.

~Pastor Randy

Thanks to all the directors (Cat Glowa, Whitney Nall, Shannon Overton and Sarah Whiting), actors, choir, musicians, costume designers, stagehands, etc., that made our Christmas drama program so great! 

Saturday, January 28 from 10:00 to Noon
Join us for this powerful 2-hour conference to help you find ways to Biblically handle your finances.
Facilitated by Pastor Kevin and Gilbert & Michelle Caldwell.
For more information contact Kevin at kmason@hopetucson.com.

Christmas Eve 2022

Women's Ministry
Suzi King, Director

Women's Ministries 2023 Calendar

Friday, January 13:  Game & Appetizer Night - 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Community Room
Saturday, February 4:  Breakfast & Testimony - 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the Community Room
Saturday, March 11:  Global Outreach - Time & Location TBA
Saturday, April 8:  Social Event - Time & Location TBA
Friday, May 12:  Dinner/Testimony/Worship - 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Braun’s Home
Friday, June 9:  Movie Night - 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Community Room
Saturday & Sunday, August 26-27:  Women’s Camp - At Westward Look Resort
Saturday, September 9:  Missionary/Focused Outreach & Craft Day - Time TBA in the Community
Saturday, October 14:  Fall Brunch & Testimony - 10:00 to Noon in the Community Room
Friday, November 10:  Guest Speaker & Desserts - 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Community Room
Saturday, December 9:  Christmas Outreach to Casa Paloma Women’s Center - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
   in the Community Room

Thank you to all the women who came out and helped us put cards, stockings, gift bags and treats together for the Women's Chirstmas Outreach to residents/walk-in clients of the La Paloma Shelter.  Also, a big thank you to everyone who dropped off gifts and treats to the office for this outreach.  Below is a note from the Shelter's Senior Resource Specialist, Melissa Quihuis-Norzagaray:

Hello Gina & Congregation,
On behalf of the Women and Staff at Casa Paloma Shelter we want to thank you all for the AMAZING FULLFILLING XMAS gift bags/stockings/treats you all so graciously provided for us.   We LOVED them !!! The women were overjoyed with gratitude and loved the creativity of every single item that was gifted to them (they felt so special).  As, some of the ladies have had to work extra overtime hours due to the holidays,  I was unable to capture all of their photos for you.  Needless to say, they wanted to thank you all for the wonderful gift bags/stockings and treats.

Ladies, come join us for games and appetizers on Friday, January 13 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Community Room.  Hope will supply all the games to play and you can bring your favorite appetizer to share.

Women's Bible Study
God Does His Best Work With Empty - by Nancy Guthrie 

Beginning Thursday, February 2
9:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the Community Room

When God looks in the empty places of our lives, He sees His greatest opportunity.  God does His best work in the emptiness of our ...
Insatiable craving for things that don't satisfy
Relational disappointments and loneliness
Frustrated search for purpose and meaning
Relentless desire for comfort and security
Ongoing struggle to live with loss and unfulfilled dreams

Contact Sheree Dennee at dsdennee@msn.com or 520-403-9939 to register for class.  Please register by January 15.

Skipper Vereen, HopeKids Intern

Hello, Hope!
Happy New Year!
Hope you all had a great Christmas, celebrating Jesus, and starting this new year.  We are planning events for HopeKids this year.  For instance Nerf night for K-5th and a Preschool Tea Party.  They will be hosted every quarter. For more information on when these events are happening and good books to read check out our HopeKids Resource Board on Sunday mornings.
And as always, please reach out if you have any questions or need support in any way.  May you walk in step with Christ in all you do!

January 1 (Family Sunday):  Last Supper, Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 13
January 8:  Jesus was arrested, Matthew 26–27
January 15:  Jesus’ Crucifixion, Matthew 26–27; John 18–19
January 22:  Jesus’ Resurrection, Matthew 28; John 20
January 29:  The Emmaus Disciples, Luke 24

January Birthdays:
Emersyn Mason, 01/08/2017
Enzo Fleming, 01/14/2017
Jadyn Collins, 01/16/2012
Sadie Foss, 01/27/2016
Tanner Hunt, 01/28/2017

Awana starts back up on Wednesday, January 4!

Kevin Mason, Associate & Youth Pastor

As we start the New Year, we pray that this verse would be at the forefront of your mind.
“He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.”  (Colossians 1:28-29)
We desire to be a Church that is growing in maturity. That as a body, we are working to draw closer to our God. To help with this new mission, we are preparing for a church-wide home group curriculum. We will have a training in January for leaders and hope to start in February. We are praying that God would use this mission to mature our body.
Important Date:
HomeGroup Leaders Training:  Sunday, January 29 (Leaders Only) following church in the Community Room

Our vision in Men’s Ministry is to train and build up men in godly masculinity. We desire all men at Hope to be rooted in a Biblical identity and to embrace their role as leaders in the Kingdom. If you are interested in joining a Core-12 group please email me at kmason@hopetucson.com.  
Important Dates: 

Saturday, January 21:  Men's Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. in the Community Room
Core 12 Kick Off Retreat:  January 21-22 on Mt. Lemmon
Men’s Bible Studies:  Starting January 2023

HopeLife welcomes all young adults at Hope Community Church.  We will meet all Saturdays this month at 7:00 p.m.  Contact Brenna Bumb if you are interested in attending at  520-912-6290.  

December Baptisms

George Hillman
Natalie Morell

Our vision in HopeYouth is to build up students in the faith.  Know that it is our goal to encourage and convict students to follow Jesus and to walk alongside them as they navigate life with Him. Please pray that HopeYouth would be a place that honors God and one that He uses to bring Him glory.
Winter Camp is coming! Please sign up ASAP on the link below. Once you sign up you will receive more information about camp, what to bring and other important information. If you have any questions about camp, please email me at kmason@hopetucson.com

January Calendar for Youth Group

Sundays, January 8, 22, 29 HopeYouth in the Community Room 
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
NO HopeYouth on January 1 & 15

Important Dates to Remember
January 13-16 - Winter Camp at Southern Pines Baptist Camp on Mt. Lemmon

Register Below!

Hope Seniors had a wonderful Christmas lunch on December 4.  We celebrated the day praising God with some Christmas songs.  Scott Haffner shared a devotional encouraging us as parents and grandparents to share our faith with our children and
grandchildren through letters and conversations.
Hope Seniors reserve Sunday, February 12 for our next fellowship!

Sarah Whiting, Director

Night to Shine
Volunteer sign-ups for Night to Shine 2023 are available along with guest registration.  You can follow Tucson Night to Shine on Facebook for up-to-date information.  We are so excited that this year we are able to host an in-person event again!  

If you have questions about AccessHope, or are interested in volunteering with AccessHope, please e-mail me at swhiting@hopetucson.com.

Coming February . . . 
Hope Conference - The Art of Marriage
Marriage, the way God intended it to be, is a true art form. That’s why for more than 40 years, FamilyLife has been helping couples understand God’s plan for relationships. The Art of Marriage weaves together expert teaching, real-life stories, humorous vignettes, and more to portray both the challenges and the beauty of God’s design.
February 17-18
In the Community Room
Friday - 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Saturday -  8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (lunch will be served)

Facilitated by Jim & Cathy Luckow.
For more information or to sign up for the conference contact Cathy at catherinejl@mac.com.

If you have any questions regarding the information in the newsletter, please contact us.