Urgency and Dependence

We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.  (2 Corinthians 5:20-21)
         A few pastors and staff of Hope and Ambassadors went to the EFCA West conference in June.  It was such an encouraging time!  EFCA West is the association of like-minded churches that we are a part of.  One of the speakers shared how this movement was started out of a sense of URGENCY THAT PEOPLE NEED JESUS!  It was true at the time of the disciples, it is true throughout history, and it is true today.  People are lost and heading to an eternity separated from the Lord in Hell.  And, there is only one name given to men by which we must all be saved (Acts 4:12).  Truly the ministry entrusted to us, Jesus’ church, is an urgent one.  And here in 2 Corinthians 5, Paul says: “we implore you… be reconciled…”  One can sense the URGENCY of this message of reconciliation.
            As we urgently serve the Lord as His ambassadors, we also need to remember that we are totally DEPENDENT upon the Lord to do the work.  Again, one of the speakers at the conference challenged us all that in ministry “we will be asked to do what we cannot do with what we do not have for the rest of our lives.”  In other words, we need God to be the one doing the spiritually transforming work that only He can do.  1 Corinthians 3:7 says, “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”
We are DEPENDENT upon the Lord in the ministry of reconciliation.

            I was truly encouraged this week in these two areas: URGENCY and DEPENDENCE.  I hope this encourages you as well.

~Pastor Randy

The Great Father's Day Run!  

Women's Ministry
Suzi King, Director

Women's Camp 2022

Our Women's Camp is Saturday and Sunday, August 27 & 28 at the Westward Look Resort.
Our theme is "Humility".  (Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves... Philippians 2:3)
The guestrooms are beautifully decorated.  They have 2 full size beds and a pull out couch.
The rates this year are as follows:

1 to a Room - $242.00
2 to a Room - $191.00
3 to a Room - $174.00
4 to a Room - $165.00

Day Rates
Attending Saturday & Sunday (No Overnight) - $130.00
Attending Saturday Only - $80.00
Attending Sunday Only - $80.00

If you are interested in staying Friday night, there will be a special rate for Hope Women.  Please contact Gina at info@hopetucson.com if you would like to take advantage of this.

These rates include all camp “perks” and meals (lunch and dinner on Saturday/breakfast and lunch on Sunday).

The DEADLINE TO REGISTER is Friday, August 12.  There will be NO registrations accepted after this date.  The resort requires a firm number prior to our stay, so please register by August 12.  
Register/pay below! You can also sign up and pay in the lobby on Sundays before and after church service during the month of July!

Need more information?  Contact us at info@hopetucson.com!

After purchasing, please have the item(s) on the registry delivered to your home.  Bring them on July 15 and we will open them together!  Appetizers and desserts will be served.

Dave Collins, Church Plant Pastor

Ambassadors Church

God continues to work at Ambassadors Church. We have been having Launch Team Meetings on Sunday mornings that end up being a lot like church services. We gather together for breakfast, then we sing some songs and have some sort of teaching and usually break into smaller groups for discussion and prayer. It’s been really sweet to have a small group of people committed to helping get a new church launched. We hope to do more of a Grand Opening early this fall where we are more open to the public and doing more official church services.
We have also begun to meet in homes as 242 Groups (from Acts 2:42) and that has been really sweet. Just as Hope has a strong emphasis on Home Groups, we realize it is important for believers to be in community with each other. As Ambassadors for Christ, we want to be followers of Jesus who help others to follow Jesus!
We have been getting a bunch of the details ironed out like:  getting incorporated in the state of Arizona, getting a tax ID number through the IRS, getting setup as a 501(c)3 with the EFCA and getting a bank account.
We are so thankful for the continued support and partnership. Let’s all keep making disciples who make disciples!
Go get ‘em!  Pastor Dave

Coming Soon....HopeDrama Team
We are excited to announce the formation of a new ministry at Hope - HopeDrama!
If you are interested in this ministry contact Cat Glowa at cat.glowa@gmail.com.

William Woodford
Justus Jones

Kyria Kelly, Director

What an amazing summer we have already had! As many of you know, VBS was incredible.  We are so thankful for the support you all provided through prayer, prepping, and purchasing items we needed, and for so many volunteers serving the kids during the week.

For the month of July, from the 10th -31st, we are reworking classes a little bit. Kids going into 1st-3rd grade will combine in what is usually the 2nd-3rd classroom, and 5-year-olds will split into their own class in what is usually in the K-1st classroom. We hope this will relieve some of the chaos in the preschool room. On August 7, family Sunday, 5-year-olds will attend the service with their families, and then on August 14, we will return to our normal K-1st and 2nd-3rd classes. If your 5-year-old is not going into kindergarten, they may return to regular attendance in the preschool classroom starting on August 7. I know this could be confusing, so please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you all for your continuing enthusiastic support for our kids’ ministry!

Upcoming Lessons in the Gospel Project:
July 3 (Family Sunday):  Jesus Healed a Man Who Was Lame; John 5
July 10:  Jesus Healed a Man Who Was Blind; John 9
July 17:  The Sermon on the Mount; Matthew 5-7
July 24:  The Cost of Following Jesus; Matthew 8 & 16, Luke 9 & 14
July 31:  Jesus Taught About Prayer; Luke 11 & 18

July Birthdays:
Mary Jimenez  07/02/2014
Gideon Bishop  07/03/2020
Stanton Behrends  07/06/2021
Lincoln Reedy  07/07/2020
Ted Hooge  07/09/2016
Leo Hooge  07/12/2020
Natalie Morell  07/13/2013
Roman Knutson  07/13/2013
Jazmin Yu  07/15/2013
Renee Brown  07/16/2015
Luke Lawson  07/22/2012
Finnigan Sinohui  07/23/2019
Layton Ellwood  07/23/2020
Kylah Collins  07/27/2012
Justus Jones  07/29/2014
Jonathan Edgin  07/30/2012

Awana begins again on September 14!  Want to share the Gospel message with kids?   Contact Tim or Marilyn Tolson at (520) 575-1307 or timtolson@comcast.net.

Kevin Mason, Associate Pastor

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer spending time with family and friends.  I have been out a lot in June with camp, conference, and family vacation.  I hope to reconnect with everyone in August.

 We will have a  Home Group Leader's Meeting Sunday, August 7th following the worship service at our new site in the Community Room.  In the meantime, know that I am praying for your groups and please let me know if you need anything.

Home Groups are the backbone of our Church. Our goal is to create places where people are being challenged, encouraged, and built up to be more like Christ.  Our prayer is that this would lead to fruitful living in expanding the Kingdom, serving the community, etc.  

Are you interested in a Home Group?  Please contact me at kmason@hopetucson.com.

I love seeing men step up and leading well. As we approach the second half of the year, we hope to establish Bible studies, some fellowship time and men’s camp!  Keep a look out for emails with more information.  Remember, every third Saturday of the month is our Men's Breakfast at 7:30 a.m.  We will have it this month (July 16) in our Community Room.
Love serving with each of you!

Our first HopeU camp will be August 11-14. 
Every Saturday is Bible study at the HopeHouse at 7:00 p.m.
If you are interested in attending camp, going to Bible study or connecting with young adults please contact me at kmason@hopetucson.com.

Canon Black, Youth Pastor

July Calendar for Youth Group

Meeting all Sundays in July 
 In the Community Room (at the new site 3130 W. Overton)  
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.


Bob & Merrillee Whren, Directors

Praise God for our new facility. Hope Seniors inaugurated the building on June 12th. Yes, surprisingly we had a function that included food.

Sarah Whiting, Director

We are excited to announce our own sensory friendly worship experience coming soon: 
Friday, August 12th, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room.   More details to follow.
If you are interested in how you can get involved in AccessHope, please contact Sarah Whiting at swhiting@hopetucson.com. We are currently in need of Family Sunday Support Partners.

If you have any questions regarding the information in the newsletter, please contact us.