Offer HOPE, grow in COMMUINITY, and be the CHURCH

When we were getting ready to plant Hope, I attended some church planting boot camps, read books on church planting, got assessed by veteran church planters, and even attended a church planting conference in Florida.  I remember one of the things we heard often was: “VISION LEAKS!”  What they meant by that was that the important vision that we had for our church plant would constantly leak – start to drip away from our daily thoughts and in a short time, might disappear from our church culture altogether.  Therefore, the encouragement from these places to counteract “vision leaks” was to regularly discuss and recast what your church was trying to be about.
                We are now 13 years old, so we probably can’t consider ourselves a church plant anymore, but I still want to protect against our “vision leaking away” and forgetting what we are called as a church to be about from the Scriptures.  Hope’s vision is to OFFER HOPE, GROW IN COMMUNITY, and BE THE CHURCH.
                OFFER HOPE:  Jesus told us in Matthew 28:19-20 to go and make disciples, followers of Christ.  He told us to be His witnesses to the world (Acts 1:8).  In 1 Peter 3:15, the Word tells us to be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks about this HOPE that we have.  As a church, we want to offer this broken world the only HOPE that can be found – Jesus Christ.  Are you pursuing relationships in your neighborhood, workplace, or school so that you can OFFER HOPE?  Are you inviting friends to church/youth group? 
                GROW IN COMMUNITY:   This July our Home Groups will be starting back up for another four-month session.  If you are not in a Home Group, this is a great time to give it a try.  At Hope, we believe that God has called us to spiritually GROW IN COMMUNITY.  In Acts 2:42-47, we read that the early church was devoted to being together, reading the Word, eating together, praying for one another, and sharing joyfully.  As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17).  GROW IN COMMUNITY by going to men’s breakfast, being in a Home Group, attending the Women’s Camp, signing up for our Starting with Christ class…
                BE THE CHURCH:  Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world (James 1:27).  It is really important that the love that we have been shown and that now indwells us is not just found in our words and in speech, but it is found in our actions and in an authentically lived out life (1 John 3:18).  We are to BE THE CHURCH for the hurting, the lost, the broken, the fatherless, and the widow.  Become a part of the CarePortal team, serve the community on HopeServes - Saturday, September 28, mentor kids…
It is a joy to offer HOPE, grow in COMMUNITY, and be the CHURCH with all of you.

~Pastor Randy


The church office will be closed for the 4th of July!

New Life in Christ - Let's Get Started Class

Ever wonder how we begin to follow Christ?  Hope Elders, Chad Schwarz and Scott Haffner want to help you discover crucial biblical truths that inform us about these first steps to following Jesus:
· The Conversion Experience
· What Must I Do to Be Saved
· The Significance of Baptism
· Growing in the Church
Chad and Scott will lead interactive discussions as we can learn from and inspire one another. Join us on five exciting Sunday mornings, July 14 – August 11, 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. before the worship service at Wilson School.  Sign-up below.

Let’s Go!

Women's Ministry
Suzi King, Director

Our Women's Camp is Saturday and Sunday, August 24 & 25 at the Westward Look Resort.
Our theme is "Rooted...God's Call, Our Response".  
The guestrooms are beautifully decorated.  They have 2 full size beds and a pull out couch.
The rates this year are as follows:

1 to a Room - $265.00
2 to a Room - $210.00
3 to a Room - $195.00
4 to a Room - $185.00

Day Rates
Attending Saturday & Sunday (No Overnight) - $145.00
Attending Saturday Only - $90.00
Attending Sunday Only - $90.00

If you are interested in staying Friday night, there will be a special rate for Hope Women.  Please contact Gina at if you would like to take advantage of this.

These rates include all camp “perks” and meals (lunch and dinner on Saturday/breakfast and lunch on Sunday).

The DEADLINE TO REGISTER is Sunday, August 11 at 5:00 p.m.  There will be NO registrations accepted after this date.  The resort requires a firm number prior to our stay, so please register by August 11.  
Register/pay below! You can also sign up and pay in the lobby on Sundays before and after church service during the month of July!

Need more information?  Contact us at!

Thanks to all the women who came out and joined us for Game & Appetizer Night.  We had a lot of fun!

Have you ever struggled with your mental and emotional health and wondered, “If I seek counseling support, does it mean my faith is insufficient to bring healing? Join us on Saturday, July 27th to learn where the mental health field overlaps with God’s Word. Gabe Lobato, a licensed therapist and certified trauma professional, will be sharing with us three major points:

What's really going on inside our bodies when distressing thoughts and emotions show up?
Why does one person respond differently than the next when it comes to stressors or triggers?
Show you where God’s Word and the mental health field are in alignment together.

If you are interested in this Saturday mini conference, please sign-up below!

The Compassion ministry at Hope is in the process of updating our list of those willing to serve, mostly by bringing meals to families who are in need of our help during times of illness, new baby, etc. If you have already joined the list, please let us know if you would like to remain on it, and if you would like to serve in this way, we would love to add you to the list! Come by Hope Central to sign up or contact Denise Edmiston at or Claudia Zimmer at 

Lynne Hooge, HopeKids Director

Our Verses this Month:
I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is greater than all gods. The Lord does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths.  (Psalm 135:5-6) 

 Big Picture Question:
Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth. Nothing is outside of God’s good plan.

 What We’re Learning:
July 7: (Family Sunday):  Melchizedek Blessed Abraham; Genesis 14; Hebrews 5 & 7
July 14:  God Provided Isaac; Genesis 21-22
July 21:  God Changed Jacob; Genesis 25-33
July 28:  Special Sunday HopeKids Worship

July Birthdays
Stanton Behrends 7/6
Kayson Parrish 7/12
Natalie Morell 7/13
Renee Brown 7/16
Valkyrie Palmer 7/20
Everlee Pulver 7/24
Gerrard Gardner 7/25
Emberlee Arellano 7/29

It was great to worship with Karen Tvrdy and our VBS worship team for our special 5th Sunday HopeKids worship time!
We also enjoyed hearing from John & Valerie Turner about their time on the mission field. The 1st-5th kids also loved game time with Skipper Vereen.

September 4, 2024  -  First meeting of 2024-25 Awana Ministry  Year.

We need two more volunteers to work with our Cubbies!  Contact Tim Tolson if you are interested in volunteering or if you need more information on our Awana ministry -

Church-Wide Prayer and Praise – July 31

“Prayers outlive the lives of those who uttered them; outlive a generation, outlive an age, outlive a world.”  (E.M Bounds)

Kevin Mason, Associate & Youth Pastor

“He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.”  (Colossians 1:28-29)

At Hope we want to grow in community, therefore we desire all Hopers to be involved in home groups.  This month look out for home group sign ups.   

Questions about home groups??  Contact Pastor Kevin at

Our vision in Men’s Ministry is to train and build up men in godly masculinity. We desire all men at Hope to be rooted in a Biblical identity and to embrace their role as leaders in the Kingdom.

Important Date:
Men's Breakfast  - Saturday, July 20 from 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. in the Community Room 

Hey HopeLife,
This summer started off on such a high note with our first ever worship night! What a joy to worship our Supreme God with you! Thanks to all who helped lead us in worship. We are looking forward to the next one coming in July.

July 6th:  NO Meeting - Enjoy the 4th of July weekend with family and friends
July 13th:  Worship Night - Join us at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room where our theme will be "Savior"
July 20th:  Bible Study - 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room as we study Romans 11
July 27th:  Special Event - more details to come

Contact Carl Vereen at if you have any questions about HopeLife!

HopeYouth at Top Golf!

July Calendar for Youth Group:

Wednesday lunches with Pastor Kevin from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. on July 10, 17, 24 & 31 in the Community Room - Lunches will be provided by Hope.   Please RSVP so we can plan for food.  All students are welcome to join. Our focus for the lunches is to eat and dive into God’s Word.

Friday, July 12th - Movie Night with Northwest Church and The Ridge Church. More information coming.

Middle School Girls Hangout:
Saturday, July 6th from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. at the Marshall's house (6324 N. Calle de Ona 85741). Come for games and dinner.

Saturday, July 27th from 5:00 -7:00 p.m. at Margaret Nordberg's house (3191 W. Cactus Tree Trail Tucson, AZ 85742). Come for some pizza making, dessert and board games. Bring your favorite pizza toppings.

High School Girls Hangout:
 Sunday, July 21st from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Braeutigam's house (578 E. Channel View Place Oro Valley, AZ 85737).  Come for pizza and swimming.

Middle School Boys Hangout:
Saturday, July 27th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Cervantes house (2156 W. Ironwood View Pl. Tucson, AZ 85742). Come for food and swimming.

High School Boys Hangout:
Saturday, July 27th from 5:00  to 7:00 p.m.  at the Ulrich's house (1775 W. Placita De Santos Tucson, AZ 85704). Come for food and swimming.

Praying that students would be encouraged on Wednesdays and also stay connected with all the hangouts. If you have any questions about HopeYouth summer plans please contact Pastor Kevin at

Important August date to remember:  Friday, August 9 - Faith & Family Night at Arizona Diamondbacks Cost is $40.00 per person.  Space is limited (sign up below).

If you would like to join the Hope Youth App for updates - contact Pastor Kevin at

HopeYouth Camp 2024

Rock Nest Ranch Bible Camp Short-Term Mission 2024 - British Columbia, Canada

RNR 2024 Team
Back Row:  Joel Vereen, Jake Braeutigam, Josiah Jones, Uriah Thiessen, Bren Marshall, Timo Towne
Front Row:  Frank Bumb, Beth Bumb, Stephen Molinari, Joelle Orr, Emma Vereen, Bria Marshall, Angela Kleist
Not Pictured:  Abby Amante

Rock Nest Bible Camp 2024 is here!
July 2-5 Camp staff training
July 6-12 Teen Camp
July 15-20 Jr. Camp 1
July 23-28 Jr. Camp 2
We are asking you cover camp and our team in prayer - for flexibility, unity, humility and perseverance.
Also please pray for campers that they would hear the Gospel clearly and respond.
This summer our team will be serving as work crew, cabin leaders, co cabin leaders, assistant to the program director, camp nurse and leaders of work crew.

Bob & Merrillee Whren, Directors

Interested in our Seniors' Ministry?  Contact Bob Whren at

Our goal is to grow a community of support and encouragement for all families at Hope Community Church who wish to educate their students at home.  All are welcome to participate in the activities regardless of what type of school they attend. Children that are not school age are also welcome. 

July's Upcoming Event:

Thursday, July 11 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon - Gladden Farm Splash Pad (bring water guns and snacks)
Wednesday, July 24 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. - Elevate Trampoline Park

For more details and information on this group, please contact Bre McCabe at or Tina Edgin at

AccessHope exists to ensure that every person may be welcomed and included in the body of Christ; having access to the teaching of God’s Word, participating in collective worship, and engaging in serving one another for the glory of God.

The AccessHope Ministry is going through some changes.  If you are in need of some support from this ministry, please contact Gina at and she will get you in touch with the right person to help you.

If you have any questions regarding the information in the newsletter, please contact us.