Summer Plans

By the time you read this newsletter, we should be back at Wilson K-8 School on Sundays.  Here are some things to expect early this summer.

1.  The Great Father’s Day Water Balloon Run:   At the end of both services on Father’s Day, Sunday June 20, all willing dads will race through an obstacle course dodging HopeKids water balloon tosses.  For their effort, each dad will be blessed with fresh kettle corn.  Actually, they will get kettle corn whether they run or not but don’t tell them that.

2.  Let’s finish the TINY HOUSE:   Contact Pastor Dave at to find out what weekends we will have teams heading up to Pinetop to finish the TINY HOUSE.  The TINY HOUSE is a home for one  of our missionary couples, Ian & Danielle Padilla. They encourage and minister to native youth on the reservation through AYM (Apache Youth Ministry).  We especially need those of you gifted in flooring, electricians, some plumbing, and cabinet work.

3.  Sunday, July 4 Baptism:   In between services, we will be having a baptism for anyone interested.  Baptism is a public confession of Jesus as Savior which brings joy and blessing to a believer and those watching (Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38-39; Colossians 2:12).  Do you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation?  Then the next step is to share that through baptism.   If you are interested, contact us at

4.   Ukraine Missions Team:  Below you will see a couple ways to support our Ukraine Missions Team heading out this summer to help our missionaries in the Ukraine (Derrick & Victoria Nissley) with  two different youth camps in two different villages.   

5.  Focus on Sharing Our Faith:   During this season, we want to focus in on OFFERING HOPE as an entire body.  Who is someone in your life that doesn’t know Jesus?  How can you build relationship with them?  What seeds of truth can you plant in their life?  Share that person’s name with your family and Home Group and pray that God will give you opportunities.

Also, Home Groups this summer will be sent a video series to help us think, pray and focus in on evangelism.  Let’s help each other, pray for one another, and hold each other accountable to share the best news that there is – the G.O.S.P.E.L.  G: God created us to be with Him.  O: Our sin separates us from God.  S: Sin cannot be removed by doing good deeds.  P: Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again. E: Everyone who trusts in Him will have eternal life.  L: Life with Jesus starts now and lasts for eternity.

~Pastor Randy

Women's Ministry
Suzi King, Director

Ladies...mark your calendars! 
Women's Camp  August 27 & 28!

Hope women enjoyed a truly wonderful evening under the stars in May. We shared delicious food, conversations and a powerful testimony of the restorative healing only Jesus can bring.

Discipleship Corner

Do you have anyone who has impacted you greatly in your walk with Jesus? I know I have had a few people who have deeply invested in me and it has made a huge difference! If you would love to have that experience, pray for God to bring someone into your life to help you grow and then pursue that person that God puts in your path. If you would like to come alongside someone else in their journey and help them grow, pray for God to show you who to pursue and then go for it!
If you would like help connecting with someone in this way, please let me know, I would be pumped to help you!
Go get ‘em!  Pastor Dave

Kyria Kelly, Director

HopeKids Families,

We are excited to be at Wilson again, where we have access to a playground!! Woohoo! As we transition back to Wilson, I have a couple updates and reminders to share. On May 30, we promoted all the K-5th graders up a grade. As you check your children in, please confirm they are going to the right class. We will be promoting the preschoolers going into kindergarten in August so they may remain in the preschool class during the summer (for Family Sundays), but if you feel your kindergartner is ready to be out of the preschool class, please let me know and we’ll move them up earlier than August.

We currently have classrooms in two hallways. In the hallway to the left of the lobby, we are in the following rooms:
  • 658:  nursery/toddler (0-36 months)
  • 664:  preschool (3-5 years)
  • 670:  4th-5th grade
In the hallway to the right of the lobby:
  • 610:  K-1st grade
  • 611:  2nd-3rd grade

We are continuing the Loaves and Fish Scripture memory program; lots of students are ready to turn in their fish and donate items to the students Josh and Danielle (Padilla) Brock serve in the White Mountain Apache Tribe. Those can be turned in at any time to the director on duty.

Please continue to send your students with water bottles and take them to the restroom before class.

On Saturday, May 22 the Kuslers headed up a service project at New Life Pregnancy Center. Approximately 20 kids and some parents counted, bundled, and tagged 5,000 diapers! Keep an eye out for more service project opportunities in the future!

It is such a joy to love on and serve your children.  As always, please reach out to me for any reason at all – I love to hear from you!


June  Birthdays:

Asher Martin  6/3
Milo Newman  6/3
Joel Tolano  6/11
Selah Zimmer  6/15
Susie Adler  6/15
Andrew Yu  6/19
Peter Yu  6/19
Alexander Amante  6/19
Olivia Woodford  6/21
Ava Amante  6/21
Georgia Bellars  6/27
Calum Newman  6/28
Connor Terpstra  6/28
Carter Parrish  6/29

Congratulations to all our Awana Cubbies, Sparks and T&T who worked so hard at hiding God's Word in their hearts this year!
Awana will start up again on September 15!
Interested in serving in this awesome ministry for kids?  

Contact Tim or Marilyn Tolson at 575-1307 or

Kevin Mason, Youth Pastor

Happy June Hope! School is over and summer has started.  It is my prayer that summertime will be filled with quality family time and a desire to pursue the Lord.  It is also time for Summer Camp! Over the past few weeks, I have been praying through Colossians 3:1-4.  My goal is to encourage students to put their hearts and minds where Christ is.  My heart is excited to encourage students to be with Christ, rather than being entangled with our desires and distractions of the world.  I want to contend for your students to know and love Jesus with all their heart, soul, and mind.
So please pray for Summer Camp; that it would be pleasing to the Lord and that it would be used to point students to Christ.  If you are interested in sending your student to camp, please email me at
Love serving with each of you!  

Congratulations to all of our graduating High School Seniors!  Way to go!!

June  HopeYouth Events

Sundays, June 6, 13 & 27 
HopeYouth @Summit Ridge Community Church
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

June 21 - 24
Summer Camp @ Tonto Ridge Christian Camp

HopeYouth Summer Camp
June 21 - 24
Register Below!

HopeYouth Outreach Event in May - Thanks Youth for Attending!

HopeHouse Studies:

Men’s study - Wednesday, June 2, 9, 16 

Young adults study - Friday, June 4, 11, 18 

Last month to sign up for this directory update!

Would you like to be a part of the Hope Community Church Directory?   If you are interested in being part of the directory please fill out the form below.   Also, if you are presently in the directory and any of your listing has changed, please fill out the form.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Gina at

If you have any questions regarding the information in the newsletter, please contact us.