Because You Say So

Okay… a couple more pictures of Julie and I to share from our trip to Israel.  This time from the Sea of Galilee (also called the Sea of Tiberius or the Sea of Gennesaret).
In 1986, a drought brought the water level of the Sea of Galilee way below its normal levels.  Along the shores in the mud, local fishermen found the remains of what was a boat.  Because of the mud, the boat had not been deteriorated from bacteria, and after some tests, they realized the boat was approximately 2000 years old (between 50 BC and 50 AD, during the time of Jesus).  They knew they couldn’t just pick it up with a crane because it would disintegrate.  So, they dug around the boat, filled the area with hardening foam, and then when the water came back, they floated the foam encased boat onto a trailer and to the laboratory.  You can see the boat on display in a museum right by the lake today.
Of course, there is no ability to connect the boat to Jesus, but they do know that the boat was used during the time of Jesus at the Sea of Galilee where Jesus had many encounters with the disciples (Matthew 4, 15; John 6, 21). 
One of my favorite stories of Jesus beside this body of water happens in Luke 5.  Jesus came up to the disciples before he officially had called them to follow him, and they were still fishermen.  Jesus told Simon Peter to put the boat out into the water and cast nets for a catch.  ‘Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”’  (Luke 5:5)
Peter thought the idea of going fishing now was pointless, but because the Lord asked him to do it, he obeyed and did it.  They caught so many fish that day it caused Peter to freak out and ask Jesus to leave his presence.  Peter knew this could only be God and that he himself was a sinner.  However, Jesus told him: “Don’t fear Peter – from now on we will fish for men!”
What is the Lord calling you to do these days?  You might have excuses why it won’t work as Simon Peter had.  But I encourage you to respond: “Because you say so Lord, I will do it.”  We are called and gifted for good works which he has prepared in advance for us to walk into.  Practice saying: “Because you say so Lord, I will do it.”

~Pastor Randy

Women's Ministry
Suzi King, Director

We had a great time at the Braun's home for dinner in May.  Thanks to Dave for his wonderful BBQing skills, Jennifer for her powerful testimony and Hallie for leading worship! 

Mark your calendars for Women's Camp - August 27-28 at Westward Look Resort!  Registration begins in July!

After purchasing please have the item(s) on the registry delivered to your home, bring them on July 15 and we will open them together!  Appetizers and desserts will be served.

Dave Collins, Church Plant Pastor

Ambassadors Church

“We exist to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people.”  ~EFCA
Hope Community Church and Ambassadors Church are part of the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA). Let’s dig into that mission statement a little bit:
“among all people”:  God’s heart is for the nations. Every person on the planet is created by God, like God and for God. Jesus established a New Covenant so that the whole world could be grafted into God’s family. Revelation 7:9 says, “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” And we are commanded to make disciples of all nations in the Great Commission. There are people all over the world that desperately need salvation in Jesus!
“transformational churches”:  We, as believers in Jesus, have been and are being transformed. Our churches should be transformational, where Jesus is changing lives, and Jesus is using those changed lives to change others’ lives. Our churches should be full of redeemed sinners helping each other grow in obedience and love of our great God.
“multiplying”:  If we look around the natural world, we see that God created life to multiply. Trees multiply into more trees. Animals into more animals and people multiply, to make more people. We see in Scripture that God gives the mandate to “be fruitful and multiply”. We are blessed to be a blessing. We are to spread and multiply the good news of Jesus Christ. We are called to share the great news that we have been given. One of our biggest jobs as believers is to multiply!
“glorify God”:  We exist to bring God glory, that’s why He created us.
One of the ways that Hope and Ambassadors can glorify God is by multiplying transformational churches among all people, and that is what we are working hard to do. What an exciting journey we all get to be on together, all for the glory of our great God!
Go Get ‘em!  Pastor Dave

Case Devries
Joseph Daniels

Kyria Kelly, Director

Looking forward to sharing with you next month all the great things that happened at VBS!

Upcoming Lessons in the Gospel Project:
June 5 (Family Sunday):  Jesus and the Samaritan Woman, John 4
June 12:  Jesus Healed Ten Men, Luke 17
June 19:  Jesus Healed a Woman and a Girl, Mark 5
June 26:  Jesus Healed a Man Who Was Lame, John 5

June Birthdays:
Reagan Junker 06/03/2014
Asher Martin 06/03/2014
Teddy Gill 06/04/2019
Lucy Gill 06/11/2010
Susie Adler 06/15/2018
Emerson Bowman 06/15/2017
Alexander Amante 06/19/2014
Andrew Yu 06/19/2012
Peter Yu 06/19/2012

Ava Amante 06/21/2012
Nalia Hendricks 06/21/2012
Chip Hooge 06/21/2018
Olivia Woodford 06/21/2012
Georgia Bellars 06/27/2016
Connor Terpstra 06/28/2011

Genevieve Merendo 06/29/2020
Carter Parrish 06/29/2018

Way to go Awana Kids for coming to club every week and memorizing God's Word this past school year!

Have a great summer!  See you again for Awana on September 14!

Kevin Mason, Associate Pastor

 So thankful for all the men that came out to help prepare our church building for VBS the past two men's breakfasts. Remember that the third Saturday of each month there will be a Men’s Breakfast at the new church building.
I have been praying that Men of Hope would be men that revere Christ as Lord; that we would be the kind of men solely focused on living to honor the Lord as a husband, friend, member of the body or as an employee.

Summer is here!  I am praying that this summer would be filled with family time and rest.  Also praying that this summer would be a time of growth with the Lord. I know that summer is a time where home groups take a break, but we must always remain steadfast in pursuing each other. Know that I am praying for each home group; that each of these groups would reflect His glory.

We are planning a home group training on Sunday, August 7th at our new church building. I am hoping that all home group leaders will attend to be encouraged and to keep moving toward a vision of making our home groups rich in spiritual growth toward the Lord. Please put that date on your calendar.

If you are a young adult at Hope, know that every Saturday at 7:00 p.m. at the HopeHouse is a Bible study. The group is working through Colossians!
Save the date for August 11 -14 for our first ever Young Adult Camp! More information will be sent out soon.

Canon Black, Youth Pastor

This next month is an exciting one:  from welcoming in a new 6th grade class, getting to use the new building, and going to summer camp we have a lot going on.  June 5th we will be having a family dinner at the new church building, our goal is to have a chance for parents to connect with leaders, and give insight to parents about what our hopes are for the YouthGroup moving forward. If you have a child that attends or would like to start attending YouthGroup please feel free to join us!
The next week, June 9th – June 12th we will have summer camp.  (We still have openings for summer camp.  Please sign up below!)  Which means that Sunday we will not have our regular YouthGroup meeting.  
On the following Sundays, June 19th and 26th, we will continue to meet at the new building for YouthGroup.
I’m really excited for June 5th and to have a chance to share my heart and vision for YouthGroup with our parents. I am praying the Lord will work mightily in this group of kids. I would also appreciate prayers for all these events, that students would be shown Jesus more clearly, that camp would create a space for unity and growth in our kids, and more than anything, that God would be glorified in all our efforts.

June Calendar for Youth Group

Sunday, June 5

Dinner with Parents
6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Community Room

Sunday June 12
No YouthGroup - Summer Camp
Sundays, June 19 & 26 - Meeting in the Community Room (at the new site 3130 W. Overton)  
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.


Bob & Merrillee Whren, Directors

Don’t miss out on our first event at the new church building on Sunday, June 12th after church. Our theme is breakfast brunch. For information on Hope Seniors, contact Bob Whren at 904-887-7019 or Merrillee Whren at 520-304-6773

Sarah Whiting, Director

Happy June!
At the end of April I had an amazing opportunity to attend the Inclusion Fusion Live 2022 disability conference put on by the Tim Tebow Foundation and Key Ministries. It was an amazing two days of connection, learning, and encouragement. On the evening of the first day the conference hosted a night of worship designed to be accessible and sensory friendly. It was such a beautiful representation of Romans 15:5-7, "May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God."
We are excited to announce our own sensory friendly worship experience coming soon: 

Friday, August 12th, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room.   More details to follow.
If you are interested in how you can get involved in AccessHope, please contact Sarah Whiting at We are currently in need of Family Sunday Support Partners.

If you have any questions regarding the information in the newsletter, please contact us.