
  Then they gave money to the masons and carpenters, and gave food and drink and olive oil to the people of Sidon and Tyre, so that they would bring cedar logs by sea from Lebanon to Joppa, as authorized by Cyrus king of Persia.
In the second month of the second year after their arrival at the house of God in Jerusalem, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, Joshua son of Jozadak and the rest of the people (the priests and the Levites and all who had returned from the captivity to Jerusalem) began the work. They appointed Levites twenty years old and older to supervise the building of the house of the Lord.  (Ezra 3:7-8)

Synagogue at the border of Lebanon

While in Israel, we got to drive a few hours north to the border of Lebanon.  For us Zonies, it felt like driving to Flagstaff - you just keep gaining and gaining elevation and begin to be surrounded by large pines, with a snowcapped mountain getting nearer and nearer.  The people of Israel sent gifts to this area in these verses as a trade for their cedar timbers. (Shown here is a synagogue up near the border of Lebanon.  This building was built in about 300 A.D.)

 On another part of our trip, we got to visit the ancient port city of Joppa.  Solomon had rocks placed out into the ocean to build a small port there so he could get timber to build the temple to the Lord.  In the verse above, it tells us they reused this ancient port to get new timbers for rebuilding. (I took this picture of the Port at Joppa with the rocks that Solomon placed jetting out into the Mediterranean.)  
            Ezra/Nehemiah are the next two books we will be reading at church next, and they take place many years later.  The temple and all Jerusalem had been destroyed and burned to the ground.  God’s people in the land of Israel had been taken captive, first by the Assyrians and then the Babylonians.  But God promised to bring them back in 70 years and exactly as God promised, 70 years later, a small group of exiles make their way back to piles of rubble and begin attempting to rebuild the temple and the city walls.  This is what the historical books of Ezra and Nehemiah describe. 

Port City of Joppa

It is blessed timing for us at Hope to be going through this book having just been given by the Lord a church property with potential to build on.  I love in Ezra and Nehemiah how everyone participated and contributed to make this happen.  Likewise, this week I have been so blessed to see so many of you out serving at the church property.  We had so many overgrown Palo Verde trees and one gentlemen at Hope (who is in the midst of chemotherapy) was out there every day for a week saying, “I’m just going to serve the Lord for as many days as God gives me.”  On a different day I went out to let the termite company in the buildings to treat the existing buildings and a Hope member was sitting in the parking lot.  “I’ve been out of town the last week but figured I would just come to the property and see if anyone was here that I could work with.”  The man spent the rest of the day tearing out carpet and floors in two rooms.  And the stories go on and on like this.  What an awesome group of people to serve Jesus with.
            We keep our vision up front going forward.  OFFER HOPE, GROW IN COMMUNITY, AND BE THE CHURCH.  Lord, we want to continue in every way to offer the only hope that there is in this life – salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.  We want to grow in community.  Lord, help us to encourage one another within homegroups and fellowship to stay the course in Christ – growing closer and closer to HIM every day.  And Lord help us be your church!  We desire to serve our neighbors, the hungry, the thirsty, the lost, and the hurting.

~Pastor Randy

Good Friday Service
Good Friday Service
HopeKids multiplying their talents!
HopeKids making their Easter offerings
Easter Sunday
HopeKids multiplying their talents

Our HopeKids raised $6,250.20 for our Easter offering!   Our total 2022 Easter offering was $90,149.  

Suzi King, Director

Thanks to all the women who came out to our April Board & Brush Event!  We had a great time!!

Mark your calendars for Women's Camp - August 27-28 at Westward Look Resort!

There will be a baptism class on May 15 & 22 at Wilson from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. (in the upstairs Corral Room) for those interested in being baptized.   There will be a baptism held on May 29 following the morning service.

Dave Collins, Church Plant Pastor

Church Plant Update:
“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”  
(2 Corinthians 5:20)
May is the month that the church plant team launches out. Please be praying that this church would be healthy, gospel centered, true to God’s word and impactful in the community. We are excited to see how God works through the new church and continues to work through Hope! What a cool opportunity to multiply Hope into another transformational church. Our prayer is that we will all be devoted to the Lord and to each other like in Acts 2:42:
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
Go Get ‘em!
Pastor Dave

Sending the Collins Family & Church Plant Team Off!

Kyria Kelly, Director

Happy May Hope!!

We are in our FINAL MONTH before VBS!! God has provided volunteers for us abundantly and we are so thankful. Several notes on VBS:

We still need a young adult male and female to act in our closing dramas every day in addition to some adult actors for opening (and potentially closing) assemblies; if you or your student is interested, please contact Cat Glowa at

Those of you who are interested in helping us prepare materials before VBS, please feel free to join us at the office on Tuesday, May 10 and Tuesday, May 17 starting at 9:30 a.m. to put together science and lesson materials.

At long last, we are ready to open student registration. On May 1 and 8, we will have registration forms available for regular HopeKids attendees, so stop at our check-in tables to fill them out. Registration will close on May 22nd and any open spots will be offered to students on our waiting lists. Kids who will be 4 by the end of June to those finishing 5th grade are invited to join us!

On another train of thought, summer is rapidly approaching which means that it’s almost time for promotion Sunday!! Students finishing kindergarten - 4th grade will move up to their new classes on June 12.  5th graders will have a promotion celebration on May 22nd and may begin attending youth group on May 29th!  Preschoolers going into kindergarten will move up on August 14th.

Upcoming Lessons in the Gospel Project:
May 1 (Family Sunday):  Jesus Called Disciples; Matthew 4,9; Mark 1–3, Luke 5–6
May 8:  Jesus’ Early Miracles; Mark 1
May 15:  Jesus Taught in Nazareth; Luke 4
May 22:  Jesus and Nicodemus; John 3
May 29:  Jesus and the Samaritan Woman; John 4

May Birthdays:
Jordan Davis 05/02/2011
Mikey Colella 05/02/2017
Neill Foss 05/02/2018
Wren Bernard 05/04/2014
Case DeVries 05/05/2012
Samuel Wilcox 05/05/2020
Kinsley Carey 05/09/2013
Lucy Catania 05/10/2011
Anna Cross 05/10/2018
Charlotte Schultz 05/11/2015
Miles Moreno 05/13/2011
Toby Carlson 05/14/2012
Oliver Whiting 05/15/2010
Ella Mason 05/15/2019
Wilhelmina Junker 05/20/2016
Henry Rockhold 05/23/2017
Charlie Schwarz 05/26/2016
Ruger Walker 05/26/2015
Joanna Bellars 05/30/2013

Thanks to all our Awana kids who built cars for the Grand Prix race in April.  Our T&T and Sparks took first place in their division!

We just finished up another great year of AWANA! We had such good times making friends, playing rousing games, and memorizing God's Word. We also saw many children hear God's Good News for the first time - what a blessing!

A BIG THANK YOU goes out to our amazing volunteers from this year who have served faithfully!

Cubbies Team (4-5 year olds)
David Braun
Kyria Kelly
Teresa Mote
Melanie Schwarz

Sparky Team (K-2nd grade)
Gina Braun
Stan Davis
Diane Jensen
Sue Jordan
Liz Martin
Avery Schwarz
Marilyn Tolson
John Turner
Bethany Walker

T&T Team (3rd-6th grade)
Keith Banales
Nancy Funk
George Hires
Amanda Knutson
Tammi Moore
Max Mote
Mark Seekatz
Teresa Seekatz

Tim Tolson

Save the date:  September 14, 2022 will be our first meeting for next year! We meet most Wednesdays from 5:45 to 7:45 p.m.  Awana is for kids 4 yrs. olds (but we have limited spaces for this age) thru 6th grade.  Please prayerfully consider  joining us as a leader in helping us  build God's kingdom with our next generation. For more information contact Tim or Marilyn Tolson at 520-575-1307 or

Kevin Mason, Associate Pastor

Thank you to all the men that came out to the last men’s breakfast to help with our new building. It was a joy to serve with each of you. We are looking for people who can help paint and maybe do some yard work. If you are eager to help prepare our new building for ministry, please contact me at
Important Date:  Saturday, May 21 Men’s Breakfast at 7:30 - Location TBA

Praying that our home groups are reflecting the glory of God and reflect our vision of being a place where members are being challenged, encouraged, growing and eager to serve each other. We are meant to grow closer to our Savior and grow in holiness as we prepare to meet Him one day in heaven. May our home groups foster your pursuit in drawing near to Jesus.
If you are interested in joining or starting a Home Group please contact me at  

 The HopeHouse Bible study is on Friday nights at the HopeHouse at 7:00 p.m.

Canon Black, Youth Pastor

Hey Hope!

I spent some time away last month on my honeymoon, and during that time I was trying to really reflect on Youth Group, why we do it, and how we can make it better. My takeaway was this: I am confident that the Lord will continue leading the ministry in a way that glorifies Himself. I ask for you all, whether you have youth at the church or not, to continually be in prayer for the kids that come on Sunday night, that they would experience Christ, His redeeming love, and His perfect peace.

We have summer camp coming up - June 9-12!! You can register and pay for your youth below. The sooner we can get an accurate number the better so please let us know as soon as possible.

May Calendar for Youth Group

Sundays, May 1, 15, 22 & 29 - Meeting at Summit Ridge Community Church (505 W. Hardy Rd.) from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

(There is a possibility we will be moving Youth Group to our new site at 3130 W. Overton - If this happens we will make sure to get that info out to you ASAP.)

Sunday, May 8 - NO Youth Group (enjoy time with your Moms!)

Sarah Whiting, Director

Hope Community Church is committed to accessibility to the Gospel, to corporate worship, to engagement in church life, and to serving one another for the glory of God.

We continue to serve children with accessibility needs through sensory resources, HopeKids Buddies, and Family Sunday Support Partners. If you are interested in volunteering with AccessHope please contact Sarah at

If you have any questions regarding the information in the newsletter, please contact us.