A Few of My Favorite Things

I enjoy May.  One of my favorite parts is all the graduations, such a great time of celebrating a big accomplishment and a milestone of life. On a personal note, I usually enjoy at least one grad party with El Molinitos – so that is a win!  Here are a few more things I’m excited about coming up:

1.  May the Shirt Be With You:   All month long, you can purchase a HOPE t-shirt in the lobby.  100% of the proceeds from these shirts will be going to short-term missions.  As you know, we have a team of 22 going to Canada this year to help run a youth camp for native kids in British Columbia.  We also have a team of 10 going to the Philippines to do medical missions, school support, and encouragement at the Aeta Children’s Home.  Help these short-term missions and buy shirts!

2.  May 20:  Men’s Breakfast (and Workday).  Men this is a great opportunity to meet some men and encourage one another.

3.  May 29-June 2 HopeKids VBS:  So excited for what the Lord has planned for our children this year.

Our Hope Mini-Conferences have been so excellent.  We had one on finances, marriage, relationships, and technology so far.  We will not have one in May because the campus will be going under major renovation that weekend in preparation for VBS.  But this summer stay tuned for three opportunities to bring God’s truth into every area of your life:

 In June - Male and Female Responsibilities in the Church and in the Home (Pastor Randy):  What does Scripture teach about the unique responsibilities for male/female in the church?  Does the Bible say anything about female head pastors?  How do we all serve fully in the body of Christ?

In July - Understanding and Helping those falling into the Progressive Church (Pastor Kevin, Melissa Manoogian):  What does the "Progressive Church" believe?  What are the problems?  What are strategies to help loved ones who are going down that road?

The Art of Parenting:   Help parents make faith the core of their parenting with intentional, Biblical teaching and Christ-centered plans. Parents will end the experience with renewed confidence, fresh insights on raising children at different ages, and a parenting plan unique to each child’s personality and gifting.  Parenting is a humbling process, and our goal is to encourage one another and share ideas as well.  This class will be led by Jim & Kathy Luckow and will most likely take place before church for eight consecutive weeks (instead of one weekend).  Keep your eye out for the details!

~Pastor Randy

Palm Sunday Picnic!

Please come join us on Thursday, May 4 as Hope Community Church hosts the National Day of Prayer from 6:45 - 8:30 p.m. in the Community Room as we pray for the 7 pillars of influence in our culture:
Military/First Responders
Come and go as you can.  Bring your family and friends!

Stop by the tables in the lobby every Sunday morning in May to order your HOPE t-shirt.  There will be many colors to choose from so this will be "order in person" only.  100% of the proceeds will go to short-term missions.  Cost is $15.00 per shirt.

Women's Ministry
Suzi King, Director

Thank you to all the women who came out for our jewelry making workshop.  We had a great time learning a new skill and fellowshipping together!

Register below to RSVP for the Women's Dinner
Contact info@hopetucson.com for directions to the King's home!

Dedication of Paxton Burrows
Dedication of Arabella Fleming

Kyria Kelly, HopeKids Director

We are excited to announce that we are opening VBS student registration via paper forms on Sunday, May 7. Please come to the HopeKids check-in area to register your students, ages 4 (by the end of June) through those completing 5th grade. As a reminder, VBS is scheduled for May 29 - June 2, from 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m., with a closing program on Friday night from 6:30 -7:30 p.m.
Thank you all so much for your help with VBS, either through volunteering, donating through our Amazon list, or letting us borrow various items. We are rejoicing that God has provided all we need through you!
In other news, promotion Sunday for the Kindergarten - 5th grade students will be on May 21.  On May 28, they will attend their new classes.  Preschool going into Kindergarten will move up in August so they may continue attending class on Family Sundays.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions. My office hours are currently on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Have a wonderful week in Christ!


May 7 (Family Sunday):  Stephen’s Sermon; Acts 6–7
May 14:  God sent Jesus into the world to rescue sinners; Romans 5-6
May 21:  James said that faith without works is useless; James 1-2
May 28:  The Holy Spirit led Philip to tell the Ethiopian man about Jesus; Acts 8

May Birthdays!

Mikey Colella 05/02/2017
Wren Bernard 05/04/2014
Case DeVries 05/05/2012
Samuel Wilcox 05/05/2020
Paxton Burrows 05/08/2022
Charlotte Schultz 05/11/2015
Addison Roberts 05/12/2015
Ella Mason 05/15/2019
Wilhelmina Junker 05/20/2016
Joel Dekorte 05/23/2016
Henry Rockhold 05/23/2017
Ruger Walker 05/26/2015
Charlie Schwarz 05/26/2016
Joanna Bellars 05/30/2013

A HUGE thank you to our faithful Awana Leaders who served over this past school year!  You all are awesome!!

Awana Commander
Tim Tolson

Cubbies Team (4 & 5 year olds)
Melanie Schwarz - Director
Nicole Braeutigam
Julianna Collela
Christian Inclan
Jennifer Morell
Teresa Mote
Joseph Stadelman

Sparks Team (K-2nd grade)
Marilyn Tolson - Director
Jen Bernard
Jimmy Bernard
Dave Braun
Gina Braun
Stan Davis
Angelica Ewing
Mandy Flores
Max Mote
John Turner
Emma Vereen
Noah Vereen
Bethany Walker

Truth & Training Team (3rd-6th grade)
George Hires - Director
Keith Banales
Nancy Funk
Amanda Knutson
Tammi Moore
Mark Seekatz
Teresa Seekatz
Skipper Vereen

Congratulations to all our Awana kids who diligently memorize the Word of God this year and received their certificates/awards.  Way to hide God's Word in your heart!

Kevin Mason, Associate & Youth Pastor

“He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.”  (Colossians 1:28-29)

Growing in maturity continues to be our focus this year. As each group works through the Discovery Series, we pray that God would sharpen us and feed us wisdom that allows us to grow closer to Him.
We also believe that being in a home group is vital to grow as a Christian.  If you are interested in being a part of a home group, please email me at kmason@hopetucson.com.

Thanks to ALL the Home Groups and individuals who participated in HopeServes.  What a great opportunity to BE the CHURCH!

Our vision in Men’s Ministry is to train and build up men in godly masculinity. We desire all men at Hope to be rooted in a Biblical identity and to embrace their role as leaders in the Kingdom.
Important Dates:
Tuesday, May 2 & 16:  Men’s Genesis Study at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room
Saturday, May 20:  Men’s Breakfast/Workday at 7:30 a.m. in the Community Room

The month of April was such a great time celebrating Seder, learning about relationships, and finishing up the book of James! As we look to May, we are praying for each of you to finish this semester well and as this chapter of your life comes to an end that you will seek God as you take your next steps. With school finishing up we are looking forward to enjoying some summer activities with you and would love for you to invite friends to join us.

Friday, May 5:  Cinco de Mayo BBQ at the Orchard -5:00 p.m.
May 6:  No meeting
May 13:  Bible study at the HopeHouse -7:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 20:  Service project - yard maintenance in prep for VBS.  Followed by dinner and Bible study at the church. Bring some work gloves. Yardwork starts at 4:00 p.m. and Bible study at 7:00 p.m.  Come whenever you can!
Saturday, May 27:  The Genzman’s are coming to the HopeHouse at 7:00 p.m. to talk about finances! Have your questions ready!
Questions? Contact Carl Vereen at carlvereen@gmail.com for more info!

HopeYouth is working through the Discovering Series - Issue 4 this month.  Engage your kids in a conversation about it!

May Calendar for Youth Group:

Sundays, May 7 & 21 -  Youth Group from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Community Center
Sunday, May 14 - NO Youth Group (Mother's Day)
Sunday, May 28 - Fun Event (Watch your emails for more information!)

HopeYouth Baptisms!!

Anthony Cervantes
Marshall Williamson
Annie Braeutigam
Jake Braeutigam
Oliver Whiting
Skipper Vereen

Don't Miss Summer Camp!! 
June 8-11
Register Today!

AccessHope exists to ensure that every person may be welcomed and included in the body of Christ; having access to the teaching of God’s Word, participating in collective worship, and engaging in serving one another for the glory of God.

The AccessHope Ministry is going through some changes.  If you are in need of some support from this ministry, please contact Gina at info@hopetucson.com and she will get you in touch with the right person to help you.

If you have any questions regarding the information in the newsletter, please contact us.