New Plan for Pastor Dave! 

I remember many years ago getting an email from a young guy named Dave Collins who wrote that he had just moved to Tucson and was trying to get to know believers in town and hopefully find a church.  We made a plan to meet at a coffee shop in Oro Valley, and after only a few minutes of talking I remember asking God: “Lord, are you sending this guy to be a pastor at Hope?”  He seemed to have such a heart for ministry and for the Lord.  He just seemed like such a great fit for our brand-new church plant.  
            Over the next few years, Dave and Meghan plugged into our church family, serving in all sorts of areas, taking over the Home-Group ministry and relationally discipling so many.  In fact, they seemed like such a good fit that after a couple years we asked Dave to consider leaving his position as a Tucson Police Officer and become our full-time associate pastor.  He agreed and I have been so blessed as have so many.
            In 2 Timothy 2:2 the Word tells us “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”  Dave is a reliable man who is qualified to teach others and pastor others.  It has been our desire at Hope to be like an airport sending those that God has called out to their areas of ministry.  And for Dave, I believe he should be sent out to plant a new church here in Tucson.
            God has called us to make disciples – followers of Christ.  One of the greatest ways to do this is to train up believers and send them out so that they can train up believers and send them out.  So, starting on January 1st, Pastor Dave Collins will begin putting together a team to help start a new church.  The team will work hard together to prepare for the launch of this new church and then Lord willing, in April 2022, we hope to see the new church started.
This is such a great opportunity both for Hope and the new church plant to refocus on the command of our Lord to evangelize and disciple.  It is a cause for great celebration.  Yet, just like sending out a son/daughter to college or seeing one of your children get married, there is that sense of loss in the midst of the excitement of a great milestone in your child’s life.  I suppose that we might feel that, but brothers and sisters, let us focus on seeing God using two churches (instead of one) to offer hope, grow spiritually in communities, and be the church.

~Pastor Randy

Suzi King, Director

Thanks to all the women who came out and helped us get our crafts ready for our Christmas sale!  A big thank you to Angela Brainard, Gwena Burns and Faith Mathews who did all the prep work beforehand!

Please come out and support our Christmas craft sale on Sundays, November 28 and December 5 (before the first service, and in between services) in the church lobby.  All proceeds will be gifted to a Hope woman in missions.  Cash and checks only.   Thanks!!

Matt Poling, Worship Pastor


Why do we pray? Our God, we believe, knows all. He knows what we need. What we’ve done. Who we are in our inmost beings. He knows His plans, and those plans are best. His power is unlimited. So …

Why do we pray?

A story:

My son. He’s 15. He fascinates me. He’s growing so much every single day, it seems. I love to see his creativity, his work, his passion, his humility in the face of failure. His compassion and forgiveness.

I’ll tell you something true. At a basic human level, I think I know everything he needs.

I don’t know if, at this point in his young life, if there’s really anything that he “needs” that I don’t know about.

I’ll tell you something else… I can provide what he needs… and much more.

He’s a young man, but growing. I’ve been where he is. I know where he’s heading. I know what lies just across the horizon.

How much would his young life be blessed if he truly knew the heart of his father? How much peace, confidence, and encouragement would he experience if he truly had faith that I was always going to be there to provide what he needed?

Now for his security, guidance and care, there are many things that I now provide without his asking.

And I love to. He’s my son.

But, there is so much more…

There is so much more I could tell him. So much more I could give him. So much more I would love to help him become.

But I know he must ask. I know he must come to me and talk with me.

I know he must seek it. He must seek to know my heart. Seek to know my will.

I know if I just pour it all out, it will be wasted.

… It will be tossed aside.

So,  …  I wait.

And day by day, the more my son knows about me, the more he understands my desires for this family, for his mom, for him and his sister, and for this world… the more he aligns his heart with mine, … well, then he begins to ask for things that I am just overjoyed to do… even aching to do. And in those moments, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him. He knows he can ask, not just with hope, but with confidence.

And my daughter, she comes to me…

“Would you do something special for my brother?”

“But he didn’t ask.”

“I know, but I think it would bless him… and it would bless me.”

“… Ok.”

~Pastor Matt

Kyria Kelly, Director

 HopeKids Families and Friends,
We are entering such an exciting season!  As you all know, we have our Family Fun Day on Saturday, November 6, from 1:00 - 4:00, and we are stoked to be facilitating time for families (of all ages) to enjoy each other. We have invitations available at the office if you didn’t get a chance to grab some at church; everything is free, so use that as incentive to bring your neighbors and friends! I am also excited that we’ll hear from Pastor Randy and provide a follow-up 5-day devotional series to each family.

In addition to the Family Fun Day, we are participating in Operation Christmas Child as a church this month. If your child wants to volunteer to dress up in the shoebox costume or to hand out bookmarks, please let me know!  We need help on the 7th, 14th, and 21st.  On the 21st, we will have a parade where children carry filled boxes to waiting vehicles between services.  We would love for the whole congregation to cheer them on, and we’ll send reminders as we get closer.

I look forward to seeing how God moves this month. Let us spur each other on toward love and good works with joy and thanksgiving!  


November Birthdays:
Caleb Martin 11/04
Toby Vereen 11/07
Violet Edmunds 11/08
Lexi Zimmer 11/09
Cole Martinez 11/11
Everett Whiting 11/11
Alanna Martinez 11/13
William Woodford 11/13
Ethan Alexander 11/15
Daniel Smith 11/16
Ellie Kimball 11/16
Liam Vereen 11/24
Joshua Pape 11/28
Aija Stroop 11/29
Kennadie Smith 11/30

The Hope AWANA ministry meets every Wednesday evening for boys and girls 4 years old through 6th grade. The kids learn about Jesus and the salvation He provides, hear good teaching from God's Word and have a lot of fun.
If you haven't tried it yet, come and visit! If you don't have any children, bring some from your neighborhood.

Call Tim Tolson at 520-575-1307 or if you'd like more information.

Hope will be distributing shoeboxes on 10/31, 11/7 & 11/14 and final collection of boxes will be on 11/21.
Visit for more information.
Tammi Moore, Hope's OCC Coordinator

 New to Hope?  

Are you new to Hope and would you like to know more about our church?  Join us for lunch on either Sunday,  November 14 or Sunday, November 21 at 12:30 p.m. in the Church office (8710 N. Thornydale #110).  If you are interested in attending please sign up at HopeCentral in the lobby on Sunday mornings or contact Doug Dennee at

Kevin Mason, Youth Pastor

October was a sweet time of fellowship! The Lord allowed us to serve Summit Ridge Community Church, members of Hope and pray for our Hope Missionaries. It was such a blessing to see students serve.  Please pray that students would continue to have a servant's heart as they follow and surrender to Jesus.

November begins our journey to Winter Camp!  Camp dates are December 27 - 30.  We are excited to encourage and build up students to follow and glorify Jesus at camp.  HopeYouth will be sending out more information this month about camp, so please look for those emails.  You can also register below if you are ready to go!

Lastly, Hope will be going through a transition starting in January.  As we send Pastor Dave out to plant a church, my role with HopeYouth may change.  I am not sure of specific details yet, but I ask you to join me in prayer regarding this.  If I transition out of HopeYouth or stay involved, our prayer is that HopeYouth ministry will continue to build up students in the faith. Thank you for your prayers and please let me know if you have any questions.

HopeYouth Calender:

November 7, 14 & 21
HopeYouth at Summit Ridge 

Community Church 
(505 W. Hardy Rd.)
No HopeYouth on Sunday, 

November 28

Our HopeHouses for women and men are up and running! The heart behind these houses is to build community and to encourage young adults.  If you are interested in being a part of this young adult community (ages 18 to 25ish) please contact me at

HopeHouse Studies:

Men’s study - Wednesday, November 3, 10, 17 at Men's HopeHouse

Young adults study - Friday,  November 5, 12, 19 at Men's HopeHouse 

Sarah Whiting, Director

Access Hope exists to ensure that every person may be welcomed and included in the body of Christ. But, did you know that individuals and families that experience disability in some way, also often will encounter barriers to participation and inclusion in church life?

Access Hope volunteers work to coordinate the accessibility and inclusion of every individual in whatever way is the most effective at removing or overcoming those barriers to access.

If you, or a member of your family, is experiencing a barrier to participating in Hope Community Church in some way please contact me at We are here for you!

Coming Soon:  Night To Shine by the Tim Tebow Foundation is coming to Tucson again in February 2022!  Look for more information on how to support the event through prayer, volunteering, and donations throughout November.  More information about the mission of Night To Shine can be found at

Seniors Ministry
Bob & Merrillee Whren, 

Save the date for our Christmas Party on Sunday, December 5.  
More details to come...

If you have any questions regarding the information in the newsletter, please contact us.