Upcoming Ministry at HOPE!

I am excited about a lot of things the Lord is up to at Hope and wanted to share some of them with you here.
The church has hired Josh Zientarski to finish up the “Tiny House” project in Show Low.  The house will provide housing for one of our missionary couples working with Apache Youth Ministries, Ian & Danielle Padilla.  Josh will be up for long weekends (Thursday- Monday), finalizing flooring, painting, cabinet work, etc.  Lord willing, the house will be completed before the cold weather arrives. If you have a weekend and want to help on weekends in the near future, contact Josh at zientarski@msn.com.
Men’s Camp is coming soon, October 14-16 (October 15-16 is also a shorter option).  Guys, I believe God is going to encourage mightily through our speaker Pastor Dean Mayeda and give us some great time of fellowship time on the mountain.  I highly encourage you to make it for both days if that is a possibility, but whatever you can free yourself up for will be great!  Sign up today here!  (Bring your brothers, friends and sons – middle school and up).
Saturday, November 6 we are having a Family Fun Day at Riverfront Park.  Take a look at the HopeKids section for details, but please know we would love all Hopers to participate.
November is also Orphan Month.  We are going to hear about all sorts of ministries and ways to answer God’s call to care for the orphan in their brokenness and distress.  We also hope to hear some testimonies from some Hope families who have stepped into foster and adoption.  At the same time, we will be starting the annual Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child to help some kids in great need across the globe.
I love serving Jesus with all of you.  Let us continue to spur one another on toward love and good deeds, knowing that our labor in the Lord is not in vain.  (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Suzi King, Director

Thanks to all the Women who joined us for our September breakfast.  A big thank you to the ladies at the Women's HopeHouse who opened their home and provided a wonderful breakfast and to Ashley Odle who shared her amazing testimony!  

Discipleship Corner

If you are interested in being part of a discipleship relationship, please reach out to me. If you are interested in learning more about what that means, please reach out to me at dcollins@hopetucson.com.
Go get ‘em!  Pastor Dave

Kyria Kelly, Director

Happy October, everyone!
I am so excited to share that we will be throwing a Family Fun Day on Saturday, November 6, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Riverfront Park. We will be having Family Olympics with lots of goofy events and prizes, snack foods and drinks, and bouncy houses and obstacle courses! Invite all your friends, family members, and those in your surrounding community – there is no age limit for attendees! To pull this off, we will need lots of volunteers to help us run game, food, and bouncy stations, and to help us set up and tear down. We will have a table set up in the lobby this month for you to sign up in hour-long increments so that everyone can partake in the fun. Please stop by the table or email me at kckelly@hopetucson.com to sign up!

On another note, if you have children who attend HopeKids, you may have received a card in the past couple weeks with information about the next Sunday’s lesson. We will be handing out one of these Big Picture cards per family each week at the check-in table, and we encourage you to read the Bible passage and discuss it with your children before they attend class the following week.

We are still doing our Loaves and Fish memory program with children 3 years old-5th grade and are encouraged by the participation we have already seen. For this last quarter of the year, we will again be supporting Josh Brock and Danielle (Brock) Padilla in their work with Apache Youth Ministry in the White Mountains. Look for the new info cards with October-December verses at the check-in table, and encourage your children to turn in their fish when they collect 5 or 10!

As always, I am incredibly thankful for the work that each of you puts in to supporting our ministry and to discipling your families. It is such a joy to pour into your children!

October Birthdays:
Gianna Knutson 10/01
Audrey Lawson 10/06
Boone Devries 10/08
Suzie Catania 10/10
Ward Vereen  10/11
Camden Moore 10/13
Rowan Gill 10/21
Luca Martin 10/25
Panda Bernard 10/28
Ian Stroop 10/28
Kimber Devries 10/31

Mark your calendars
Hope will be distributing shoeboxes on 10/31 and 11/7 to be collected 11/14 and 11/21.
samaritanspurse.org/occ for more information.
Tammi Moore, Hope's OCC Coordinator 

Kevin Mason, Youth Pastor

What does it look like to follow Jesus? That is a question we have been wrestling with Sunday nights at HopeYouth. Our hope is to give students a visual of what it means to worship Jesus and to live a life worthy of Him. One way this looks is service. So, throughout the month of October HopeYouth plans to serve, and we want families to join in!

October HopeYouth Calendar

3rd:  Service project at different locations
10th:  Service project at Summit Ridge Community Church
17th:  Service project at Summit Ridge Community Church
24th:  Service project at Summit Ridge Community Church
31st:  Halloween hangout at the Masons

Our HopeHouses for women and men are up and running! The heart behind these houses is to build community and to encourage young adults.  If you are interested in being a part of this young adult community (ages 18 to 25ish) please contact me at kmason@hopetucson.com.

HopeHouse Studies:

Men’s study - Wednesday, October  6, 13, 20, 27 at Men's HopeHouse

Young adults study - Friday,  October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 at Men's HopeHouse 

Sarah Whiting, Director

Access Hope exists to ensure that every person may be welcomed and included in the body of Christ. But, did you know that individuals and families that experience disability in some way, also often will encounter barriers to participation and inclusion in church life?

Access Hope volunteers work to coordinate the accessibility and inclusion of every individual in whatever way is the most effective at removing or overcoming those barriers to access.

If you, or a member of your family, is experiencing a barrier to participating in Hope Community Church in some way please contact me at swhiting@hopetucson.com. We are here for you!

Coming Soon:  Night To Shine by the Tim Tebow Foundation is coming to Tucson again in early 2022! Look for more information in the upcoming months.

If you have any questions regarding the information in the newsletter, please contact us.