Men of Hope!

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.  Let all that you do be done in love.  (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

Guys, throughout Scripture God has called us to step up in our families and in the church.  He has clearly called us to reject passivity, lead courageously, accept responsibility, and live for His eternal rewards and I believe there are huge blessings as we serve His kingdom and walk into the good works that He has prepared in advance for us to walk into (Ephesians 2:10).
            This October 14-16, we will be having a camp up on Mount Lemmon (Southern Pines Baptist Camp) and I want to encourage all of you to come.  Bring your sons (Middle school and up), brothers, friends, etc.  A pastor friend of mine, Dean Mayeda, from Long Beach California will be coming to share the Word with us.  We will also have plenty of time to hang out with each other playing horseshoes, disc golf, Kubb, sitting around the campfire, time with the Lord, and enjoying the mountains.  This campground has a chapel, cafeteria, A-frame cabins with bunk beds, showers, and toilets (well, sort of).  All meals will be provided.  You just need to bring your sleeping bag, pillow and toiletries.
            We are having the camp Thursday - Saturday.   I realize many of you will not be able to come up until Friday, but if you are able, I encourage you to join us for both days.
Option #1:  Thursday (4:00 p.m.) – Saturday (2:00 p.m.):  $90
Option #2:  Friday (4:00 p.m.) – Saturday (2:00 p.m.):  $45
Register and pay online below.

Also, this month, we will be having a men’s breakfast at Jim Zimmer’s house September 25 from 7:00  – 9:00 a.m.
It is a joy to serve the Lord with all of you.

~Pastor Randy

Thanks to all who attended our Membership Class! 

Suzi King, Director

Women's Camp 2021  
Thanks to all the Women who came and joined us for this year's Camp.  

Come join us for our Women's Breakfast on Saturday, September 18 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Women's HopeHouse (5540 W. Jade Rock Place).  We will have a testimony from Ashley Odle.

Discipleship Corner

I was so encouraged to hear from Hope’s missionary, Chloe Brainard, on a Sunday morning recently! She shared how a woman had discipled her and encouraged her to disciple others.  And now, Chloe is going to the University of Arizona campus to share the good news of Jesus Christ and to make disciples who make disciples.  I love how passionate and intentional Chloe is being in her ministry.  My prayer is that God would use Chloe’s example to encourage and challenge me and you to be more passionate and intentional to make disciples who make disciples!
Go get ‘em!  Pastor Dave

Kyria Kelly, Director

Save the Date :
Saturday, November 6
1:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Riverfront Park
We are excited to invite you to a Family Fun Day! 

Keep an eye out for more details in the coming weeks.  Don't miss this!

September Birthdays:

Jack Brown   9/02
Sylvia Hardeman   9/13
Holly Odle   9/13
Theodore Carlson   9/17
Harlowe Opocensky   9/17
Elsa Gill   9/19
Titus Ayantola   9/21
Madison Nall   9/21
Maverick Alexander   9/23
Hannah Martin   9/24
Hazel Burgess   9/26

Awana will start up again on Wednesday, September 8!  Interested in serving in this awesome ministry for kids?  Contact Tim or Marilyn Tolson at 575-1307 or

Operation Christmas Child is coming soon!
Join us for a special event at Northwest Bible Church September 25 at 2:00 p.m. Discover how Mariya Tatarin from the Ukraine was blessed by an Operation Christmas Child shoebox.  All are welcome!
Mark your calendars

Hope will be distributing shoeboxes on 10/31 and 11/7 to be collected 11/14 and 11/21.
Visit for more information.
Tammi Moore, Hope's OCC Coordinator

Kevin Mason, Youth Pastor

School is back in full force!  We are praying that this school year will be full of ministry. I heard this quote, "training is not training if you do not have a plan for deployment."   As we train students every Sunday night, we pray that they can take what they learn to their school. This month we are starting trainings that will equip students for ministry.  We desire to train students to lead Bible studies and to pursue the lost at their schools.  If your student is interested in being trained to reach the lost at their school, please contact me at

HopeYouth Events

HopeYouth Group:
Sundays, September 5, 12, 19 & 26

Summit Ridge Community Church
505 W. Hardy Road

Student Trainings:

Our HopeHouses for women and men are up and running! The heart behind these houses is to build community and to encourage young adults.  If you are interested in being a part of this young adult community (ages 18 to 25ish) please contact me at

HopeHouse Studies:

Men’s study - Wednesday, September 1 , 8, 15, 22, 29 at Men's HopeHouse

Young adults study - Friday,  September 3, 10, 17, 24 at Men's HopeHouse 

Marriage Class
Beginning Sunday, September 12
6-Week Class at Wilson School from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
We all need encouragement and tools to make our marriages excellent and strong. This is a video course with opportunities for discussion and questions.  Facilitated by Jim & Cathy Luckow.  Click here to sign up!


Bob & Merrillee Whren, Directors

HopeSeniors will be having a luncheon Sunday, September 26 at Bob & Merrillee's Home (11254 N Eagle Landing Place) at noon.   Contact Bob 904-887-7019 or Merrillee 520-304-6773 for more details!

If you have any questions regarding the information in the newsletter, please contact us.