"May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Therefore,  welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God."  (Romans 15:5-7)

Individuals and families that experience disability in some way, also often will encounter barriers to participation and inclusion in church life. AccessHope volunteers work to coordinate the accessibility and inclusion of every individual in whatever way is the most effective at removing or overcoming those barriers to access.

Currently, we have volunteers serving children in HopeKids on Sunday mornings, support partners coming alongside families on Family Sunday, and sensory tools are available both in HopeKids classes and in the worship center on Family Sunday each month.  

We are consistently working towards removing more barriers to create better accessibility for individuals of all abilities and age groups.

Please contact info@hopetucson.com for more information.

ASL Interpretation available upon request.

Mission of AccessHope 

AccessHope exists to ensure that every person may be welcomed and included in the body of Christ; having access to the teaching of God’s Word, participating in collective worship, and engaging in serving one another for the glory of God.

Ministry Focus:  HopeKids

Coordination efforts within HopeKids on Sunday mornings to provide a safe and inclusive environment for children with differing abilities, sensory differences, and medical diversity. We do this, in part, through the establishment of a buddy system to provide one on one support for any child that benefits from accessing HopeKids classes in this way.

Ministry Focus:  Family Sunday

Providing safety and support on Family Sundays for those families experiencing disability and/or sensory challenges as they attend worship service together.

Ministry Focus:  Sensory Resource

Curating and maintaining a sensory resource to benefit a range of differing needs and experiences. Items include adult and child sized ear defenders, fidget tools, weighted materials, and more.

Ministry Focus:  Community Outreach

Watch for sensory friendly worship nights!

We'd love to hear from you if you have questions or concerns. Fill out the form below  and we will get back to you.