Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
God has called us who follow Jesus to be those who tell the world about Him both in their words and deeds. Hope Community Church considers this the main objective of why we exist.
We are involved in ministries in Africa, Mexico, the Philippines, Asia, Ukraine, Spain, Europe, Fort Apache Indian Reservation and locally in Tucson. We are in the process of sending missionaries to Austria and Japan.
Hope also has a Missions Team that can help you get involved. Use the contact form below or email missions@hopetucson.com for more information.
We are involved in ministries in Africa, Mexico, the Philippines, Asia, Ukraine, Spain, Europe, Fort Apache Indian Reservation and locally in Tucson. We are in the process of sending missionaries to Austria and Japan.
Hope also has a Missions Team that can help you get involved. Use the contact form below or email missions@hopetucson.com for more information.